All of us have been or are experiencing watershed moments. There is no doubt that all that is happening in our world, our communities, and families is being impacted by the events around us. So many things seem to be happening at once…. sometimes too fast for us to even process.
In this weary watershed world, there are many weighed down by experiences of loss. When we think of grief and loss, our first thought is about death loss. No matter how a death has occurred, the loss of a loved one is life changing. Sometimes in an instant, sometimes slowly, across many months. Death losses leave a profound open space. It takes time to unpack all that a death loss leaves behind. Even in the grief of a death loss, there are opportunities for new growth and learning.
If this season has taught us nothing else, it has demonstrated that there are all kinds of losses to mourn. Changes – positive and exciting as well as those that reflect significant life losses. Losses invite us to learn – to explore who we are, what our priorities are now, and to envision what we’d like life to look like next. In pain and sadness, we can discover places of curiosity from which to make observations.
What are your losses teaching you? Has your loss brought new awareness about the ways in which your life might be out of balance? Are there areas of your health and wellbeing you would like to address or nurture in this season of your life? Grief is a whole-body experience and learning from your losses is a way to connect with all the other aspects of your health and wellness.
Individual coaching or collaborating in a watershed group are ways to get your bearings in these challenging times. Because the times are challenging, we need encouragement, support, ideas and accountability to help us navigate. We need strategies that bring together our desires, wellness, health and sense of purpose. And we need safe, supportive and creative settings in which to explore what beckons us now.
At Watershed Moments Coaching, you can find individual coaching or group opportunities. Coaching around grief, health and wellness is a co-collaborative process where you set your own goals, cultivate desires based on your values and consider the intention and purposes you seek going forward.
If you would like to know more about collaborating with me, email me at to schedule a free 20-minute consultation. During that time, we will explore how coaching might serve you, begin considering the elements and qualities of our collaboration and define the next steps for our work together.