“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver
After a series of watershed moments – divorce, the death of a younger sister, and deaths of five others dear to me all in one year, I felt myself face to face with my own mortality. This line from Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer’s Day became the pivotal question of my long, hard watershed season.
Before these watershed losses I might have introduced myself to you with labels that described my work; grief coach, funeral celebrant, writer, educator. These were my job description. But they weren’t my life description. They represented skills and abilities cultivated over years of professional life, but they didn’t necessarily reflect my one wild and precious life. It was time to re-evaluate. I needed to clarify and claim my life.
Watershed moments have informed the ways I’ve lived since that year. I have taken better care of my body and health; I have refocused my energies on the ways I live out my daily life and I have opened an internal conversation with myself. Now I get to ask critical self-coaching questions. What means the most to me know? How do I want to spend my time? Where do I want to put my attention in this season of life? I also get to hold myself accountable in new ways.
I wonder if you are here because you have similar questions? Can you identify qualities or desires about yourself that are beyond your own job description? Are there things you would like to be doing? Are there things or people you need to release to live the wholehearted life you desire?
If this resonates with you, let’s visit!
Contact me to schedule a no-charge, 20 minute conversation where we will learn more about one another. In that conversation you will learn more about my coaching style and experience. I will listen carefully to your needs. Together we will determine if collaborating is the right fit for both of us.
I hope you will contact me at Deborah@watershedmomentscoaching.com to set a time for a chat!