A new semester of Indy Women Writing for a Change is about to begin. Classes are designed to provide a safe and supportive space for women who want to explore their writing voice. Women are encouraged to tell their stories in whatever written form they wish to pursue, whether it is fiction, poetry, journal, essay or drama.
Women Writing for a Change is for women who are:
- New or experienced writers seeking a community in which to discover or deepen their voices.
- In need of new resources of creative inspiration in their lives and in their work.
- In transition.
- Wishing to explore writing as a spiritual or healing practice, or as a tool for social change.
Classes are planned to provide each writer with a sense of community, support, respectful and helpful feedback on writing in large and small groups and encouragement of an on-going writing practice.
The mission of Women Writing for a Change is to nurture and celebrate the individual voice by facilitating circles and encouraging people to craft more conscious lives through the art of writing and the practices of community.
The original vision of this expanding community of practice came from Mary Pierce Brosmer, Founder, WWf(a)C in Cincinnati, Ohio. For “herstory” and a broader context for our affiliate work, please visit WomenWriting.org.
Spring 2014 Semester classes
Tuesday mornings – 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
February 4 – April 29, 2014
Facilitator: Deb Buehler
Wednesday evenings
February 5 – April 30, 2014
Facilitator: Mindy Weaver-Flask
Tuition: $350/semester including a $50 non-refundable deposit. Classes meet at the Benton House in historic Irvington at 312 S. Downey Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46219. Join us for the new term by contacting us at indywomenwriting@comcast.net or call 317.496.1631. Visit us at www.indywomenwriting.com for more information.
About the Owner/Facilitator
Mindy Weaver-Flask is licensed by Women Writing for (a) Change, Cincinnati to facilitate classes, workshops, and retreats that use writing as a spiritual and creative process to transform the lives of women. She is a long time educator, writer, and facilitator. She has taught in both the public and private schools, has led workshops for young girls and teens, and has taught creative writing to adult women and men in a variety of settings. Mindy offers one-on-one writing consultations, workshops, and retreats. She encourages people to use writing as a tool to create meaning, gain clarity, and tell their story.
Deb Buehler has been a member of the Indianapolis Women Writing for a Change community since 2008. Inside the circle, Deb has written poetry and memoir and her pieces often tell stories of growing up on a small hobby farm, keeping bees and the loss of both her parents. In her life outside the circle she writes for local and national publications with a particular interest in sustainable living practices. Most recently Deb has earned certificates in Grief and Death Studies from the Center for Loss and Life Transition and Creative Grief Coaching through the Creative Grief Studio. Deb is also a certified funeral celebrant helping families plan meaningful rituals honoring the lives of their loved ones.